I have added a bell to the end of each article in all streams.
After the bell there will be several seconds of LTRS then seveal seconds of steady mark,
if you want to turn your motor off cleanly at the end of an article.
You can do the reverse - listen to the selector magnet chatter.
When it starts to go tick, tick, tick, tick... with LTRS,
wait for the steady mark to turn the motor on cleanly right at the beginning of an article.
http://n3crk.ddns.net:8000/850 Print Teletype News at 850 shift (1525 Mark, 2425 Space, 60 speed
Other Websites Maintained by Tom Hunter
Interests:Amateur Radio - Teletypes and RTTY - Audio Production - H. P. Lovecraft - Spike Milligan - Overunity
Website by Tom Hunter